Our Crusher hay conditioning rollers can handle volumes anywhere from 1 to 10 tons an acre. Of course speeds will vary depending on tonnage. If you have any issues or concerns our sales staff is readily available to help answer any questions you may have.
Unlike conditioning rollers sold by our competitors, The Crusher conditioning rollers are designed to work with your existing system. Our unique and aggressive groove design is what makes this possible. When you purchase our top of the line Crusher conditioning rollers you’ll not only get to take advantage of a premier conditioning system, you also won’t need to purchase any additional equipment to use the Crusher in your machine.
We make new Crusher rollers for a variety of popular machines. We also have the capability to recover rollers with our signature Crusher groove design for many other machines. Contact our friendly and helpful sales staff to learn more about the products we have to offer. Find out what we can do for you to get started in making high quality hay today!
We have years of experience helping farmers make some of the best hay on the market. In all the years of running our rolls, we haven’t had many cases where a farmer’s ground speed has had to be significantly reduced. Our Crusher rollers are so aggressive they’re able to feed high volumes of material without compromising speed in the field.
The Crusher hay conditioning rollers are balanced at over 1,000 RPMS. Owner Dan Ostrander says “We overdo it (balance the rollers), but I’d rather take the extra time and have them balanced more than they need to be then send them out not balanced enough.” Having such a high standard when it comes to balancing our Crusher rollers, ensures that the rollers will run smoothly in your machine with the least amount of wear and tear possible. Well balanced rollers are important in decreasing wear on bearings and a lot of other components on your machine.
The Crusher rollers life span is based on what we’ve found out testing in California. Because of their long growing season, we’ve been able to test them for a longer period of time in one year. With our 3rd generation compound of rubber the rollers are now lasting over 3600 hours in the field! That is an increase of over 500 hours per set from our last rubber compound.
1 year from the date of install. If you started using your rollers at the end of the year, then we consider the next season too, just to be fair.
We have plenty of very happy customers that will take the time and talk with you about our rollers and give you honest feedback.
Depending on your location. If there is a dealership near you that carries our rolls, we then put you in touch with them if you’d like. Otherwise we sell direct to anyone in the market.
You do not gap the rolls. Our rollers are designed to run tight together with no gap and 100% contact. Take out all of your shims and put them tight together with NO gap. We are available year round for questions like these. Give us a call on our mobile phones or call the shop to speak with one of our qualified representative’s on how to set your rollers for maximum performance.